I received my official diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis on July 7, 2016. On August 3, 2016 I was on a plane out to Iowa to attend the Wahls Seminar.
Dr. Terry Wahls a physician who reversed her progressive multiple sclerosis through diet and lifestyle. She was holding a conference to share her protocol and I took a front seat! With a career in nutrition I knew it held the powerful effect to create the healing environment my body desperately needed.
I was so moved by her work that I stayed for the extra day to become a certified Wahls practitioner so I could coach others through the protocol. It was the gift that kept on giving! It inspired me to dedicate my nutrition practice to those living with MS and other autoimmune disease and it’s been amazing ever since!
Learn more about Dr. Wahl’s story at Healthline: How This Doctor with MS Went from a Wheelchair to Walking.
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