Why My (and Your) MS Diagnosis Anniversary Matters

Why My (and Your) MS Diagnosis Anniversary Matters

It’s been eight-year since my diagnosis. Is that something to celebrate – the anniversary of getting diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis ? It’s certainly not a happy milestone in my life. But MS was definitely life-changing, so ignoring it doesn’t feel right either. I remember the shock, the fear, and the overwhelm. It felt like my […]

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Behind the Scenes of Planning My Travels on the Wahls Protocol


Why Are Eggs Restricted on the Wahls Protocol?


Are Gluten Free Packaged Foods Safe on the Wahls Protocol?

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I created this online home to be a source of chronic inspiration and practical strategies for living with MS. Whether you're new to the community or a seasoned veteran, I invite you to join me on this journey of healing and personal growth. So grab a cup of tea, kick off your shoes, and make yourself at home. I hope you enjoy your time and become a regular around here!"

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Empowered to Heal. Inspired to Live.

Gut Check Part 3: SIBO Do you feel like you’re doing all the right things to improve your gut health, but not getting results? You could be dealing with SIBO. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. Let’s talk about what it is, how to get tested and how to remedy it.   Do you feel like you’re […]

Gut Check Part 3: SIBO

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Gut Check Part 2: Gut Dysbiosis If you experience any digestive issues – gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea you’ll want to tune in today. We’re talking about a common cause of those symptoms and how to remedy them. Welcome to Gut Check Part 2 where we’re talking about gut dysbiosis.   If you experience any digestive […]

Gut Check: Part 2 Gut Dysbiosis

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Part 1: Leaky Gut Gut Check Part 1 LeakyGut Is gut health the root cause to autoimmune disease? You hear that all health starts in the gut but what does that mean and what can you do to improve your gut health? It’s time for a gut check.   Is gut health the root cause […]

It’s Time for a Gut Check

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Are Gluten Free Packaged Foods Safe on the Wahls Protocol?

Will gluten free packaged foods sabotage your results on the Wahls Protocol?   I mean, it’s gluten free so how bad can it really be, right?  You just need a little something for this diet to not feel so strict.  So, what’s a little snack here and there?  Let’s find out!  Are Gluten Free Packaged Foods […]

Are Gluten Free Packaged Foods Safe on the Wahls Protocol?

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Anti-Inflammatory Diet for MS

Would you consider your diet to be an anti-inflammatory diet? Chances are you’re eating better than the standard American diet, but you’re not quite sure if it hits the mark for an anti-inflammatory or therapeutic diet. But when you’re living with a chronic illness like MS, we want to leverage food as an opportunity to […]

Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

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Alcohol + Multiple Sclerosis on the Wahls Protocol with Alene Brennan

Can alcohol trigger MS symptoms or even a flare? Is there a “safe” amount to drink? Is one alcohol better to have than another? These questions may be popping up this holiday season when you tend to be around alcohol more often. So, do you sip or skip a holiday beverage? Today, I’m sharing research, […]

Alcohol + MS: To Sip or Skip this Holiday Season


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Navigating Holiday Gatherings with Brain Fog

Does MS brain fog have you struggling to get the words out or keeping up with a conversation? If so, holiday gatherings may have you feeling anxious and self-conscious. This isn’t who you used to be, and you don’t want to start declining invitations now because of Multiple Sclerosis. Let’s talk about some ways to […]

Navigating Holiday Gatherings with MS Brain Fog

Multiple Sclerosis

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Wellness Tracker for MS

I remember leaving the hospital after I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I was driving through the parking garage and my head was spinning with all the what ifs and worst case scenarios, along with a thousand questions and a million emotions.  I felt completely defeated. And I also was completely determined that I was […]

My Personal Wellness Tracker

Multiple Sclerosis

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My MS Podcast: Reclaim your body, mind and life from multiple sclerosis.

My MS Podcast has been on my heart for quite a long time. So I’m thrilled that it’s finally in the hands of our multiple sclerosis community around the world. I created this podcast because when I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in 2016, I was overwhelmed. For the first time in my […]

Introducing My MS Podcast


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Harvard studies probiotics engineered to treat Multiple Sclerosis.

Researchers at Harvard designed a probiotic that could potentially treat Multiple Sclerosis. Yup, you heard that right, this “multiple sclerosis probiotics” could be the future of treatments for MS. It offers a more precise way to target brain inflammation, while minimizing negative side effects compared with traditional medications. If you’re like me, every time a […]

Multiple Sclerosis Probiotics

Multiple Sclerosis

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We’ve been talking a lot about gut health and how to improve it through diet and lifestyle. So, let’s dive a little deeper into the changes that you’re making on your plate. Here’s your crash course on going gluten free. First, what is gluten and is it really that bad for our health? Gluten is […]

Going Gluten Free

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