Why My (and Your) MS Diagnosis Anniversary Matters

Why My (and Your) MS Diagnosis Anniversary Matters

It’s been eight-year since my diagnosis. Is that something to celebrate – the anniversary of getting diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis ? It’s certainly not a happy milestone in my life. But MS was definitely life-changing, so ignoring it doesn’t feel right either. I remember the shock, the fear, and the overwhelm. It felt like my […]

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Behind the Scenes of Planning My Travels on the Wahls Protocol


Why Are Eggs Restricted on the Wahls Protocol?


Are Gluten Free Packaged Foods Safe on the Wahls Protocol?

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Best Foods for Your Brain Health

Multiple Sclerosis

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I created this online home to be a source of chronic inspiration and practical strategies for living with MS. Whether you're new to the community or a seasoned veteran, I invite you to join me on this journey of healing and personal growth. So grab a cup of tea, kick off your shoes, and make yourself at home. I hope you enjoy your time and become a regular around here!"

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Empowered to Heal. Inspired to Live.

Essential Oils I was a skeptic. Essential oils smelled nice, but could they really do anything for my health? The only way to know for sure was to try them for myself. How it Started I wanted more natural ways to support my sleep and cut the edge of migraines (if they were up for […]

Essential Oils

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  Run your hand along a fresh herb and you can instantly smell its aroma. Did you know what you’re smelling is the plant’s essential oils? While they may feel like a bit of a mystery to many of us, they are all around us. In the petals of flowers like lavender and rose. In […]

Essential Oils & Autoimmune Disease

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I’m talkin Essential Oils! One of my favorite topics. Tune in AND mark your calendars for this Thursday 7 pm for Intro to Essential Oils at the Mt. Laurel Community Center. Essential Oils Essential Oils are an incredibly versatile resource to support physical, emotional and mental health when living with an autoimmune disease. Tune in […]

Essential Oils


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How to Get Out of Your Own Way with Multiple Sclerosis Alene Brennan

Have you ever felt like you’re standing in your own way and you can’t figure out how to get out of the way? It’s like you’re your own worst enemy.  If this feels like the story of your life, I want to have a heart to hear with you.  I can definitely relate.  I’ve been […]

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

Multiple Sclerosis

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3 Steps to Fail-Proof New Beginnings with Alene Brennan

Do you feel like you missed the boat on New Year’s resolutions?  Maybe you were too burned out from the holidays or you already fell off the bandwagon.  Or maybe New Year’s resolutions aren’t your thing, you’re just simply looking for a fresh start to eating better and to manage your diagnosis.  If so, you’re […]

How I’m Getting Back on the Wagon

Multiple Sclerosis

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Navigating Holiday Gatherings with Brain Fog

Does MS brain fog have you struggling to get the words out or keeping up with a conversation? If so, holiday gatherings may have you feeling anxious and self-conscious. This isn’t who you used to be, and you don’t want to start declining invitations now because of Multiple Sclerosis. Let’s talk about some ways to […]

Navigating Holiday Gatherings with MS Brain Fog

Multiple Sclerosis

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How to Manage Holiday Burnout MS Fatigue Alene Brennan

For all the moms out striving to make the holidays special for your kids but feeling held back by MS fatigue, this post is your holiday lifeline.  Juggling the magic of the holiday season with the reality of MS fatigue is not easy.  You never want to feel like you’re choosing between your children and […]

How to Avoid Holiday Burnout with MS Fatigue

Multiple Sclerosis

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Wellness Tracker for MS

I remember leaving the hospital after I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I was driving through the parking garage and my head was spinning with all the what ifs and worst case scenarios, along with a thousand questions and a million emotions.  I felt completely defeated. And I also was completely determined that I was […]

My Personal Wellness Tracker

Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis with Pregnancy First Trimester

It had been five years since my diagnosis of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis when I got the news that I was pregnant. My body was embarking on yet another journey: multiple sclerosis with pregnancy. I was newly married and so grateful that my lifelong dream of becoming a mother was coming true. Managing my diagnosis of […]

Multiple Sclerosis with Pregnancy: First Trimester

Blog Posts

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Wahls Protocol Easter Basket

How to Make a Wahls Protocol Easter Basket Want to make an Easter basket this year that will actually support your health and help you stay committed to the Wahls Protocol?  These are my top 5 recommendations Sweet tooth – coconut rolled dates and fruit strips Beyond sweets – seaweed strips, collagen packet and jerky […]

How to Make a Wahls Protocol Easter Basket


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Shop My Faves Kitchen Essential Oils Bedroom Bath & Beauty Supplements Green Cleaning Autoimmune Life Let’s Connect! Every Thursday, I send an email with my best advice, recipes I’m loving, reviews of my favorite all-natural products and details on upcoming events. Want in? Enter your email to Join in! Follow my daily ins and outs, […]


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Every Thursday, I send an email with my best advice, the recipes I’m currently loving, reviews of my favorite all-natural products and details on upcoming events. Pop your details below to join the fun!