

Celebrating One Year of My MS Podcast

October 9, 2024

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I’m Alene, Nutrition Coach and your MS sister. I created this online haven to empower you to heal and inspire you to thrive with MS! Make yourself at home and become a regular!


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Celebrating 1 Year of My MS Podcast

It’s hard to believe, but My MS Podcast has officially turned one year old! As I sit down to write this blog post, I’m filled with a mix of emotions – pride, gratitude, and a sense of accomplishment. This past year has been a journey of growth, both for the podcast and for me personally. I want to take this opportunity to share some reflections, behind-the-scenes insights, and the valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way.

The Journey So Far

When I first launched My MS Podcast on September 22, 2023, I had no idea how much it would grow in just one year. Here are some numbers that blow my mind:

  • 60+ episodes released
  • 8,000+ downloads
  • Listeners in 30 countries

To everyone who has been part of this journey – whether you’ve been here since day one or just recently discovered us – thank you from the bottom of my heart.

A Look Back at Our Seasons

For those who might be new or need a refresher, here’s a quick overview of what we’ve covered so far:

  1. Season 1: The road to diagnosis and navigating life as a newly diagnosed MS patient
  2. Season 2: Navigating the holidays with MS
  3. Season 3: New beginnings and mindset shifts
  4. Season 4: MS and nutrition
  5. Season 5: Managing MS in the summer months

And now, we’re kicking off Season 6 with even more valuable content to come!

The Reality Behind the Mic

While launching this podcast has been an incredible experience, I want to be transparent about the challenges I faced along the way. The summer I launched the podcast was one of the toughest seasons of my life. I was dealing with personal issues and, true to form, I tried to push through and “do it all.”

Looking back, I wish I had given myself more grace during that time. It’s a lesson I’m still learning – that it’s okay to slow down, to take care of yourself, and to adjust your expectations when life gets overwhelming.

The Power of Vulnerability

I hesitated to share this more vulnerable side of my journey, thinking that maybe people only want to hear success stories. But I’ve realized that it’s precisely these honest, raw moments that connect us as a community. Living with MS is unpredictable, and pretending everything is perfect all the time doesn’t serve anyone.

So here I am, pulling back the curtain and inviting you into my well-lived-in, imperfect, but welcoming space. We’re all figuring this out together, and there’s strength in that shared experience.

Lessons Learned

  1. Give yourself grace: Life doesn’t always go as planned, and that’s okay. Sometimes, stepping back is necessary, and it doesn’t mean you’re failing.
  2. Quality of life over quantity of tasks: You are more than your to-do list. Focus on what truly matters for your wellbeing.
  3. Embrace imperfection: The messy, unplanned moments are part of your story too. They’re often where the most growth happens.
  4. Use your voice: This podcast has given me a platform, but we all have the power to advocate for ourselves in our daily lives.
  5. Community matters: Sharing our experiences, both triumphs and struggles, helps us feel less alone in this journey.

Looking Ahead

As we move into Season 6, I’m excited about what’s to come. We’ll be diving into managing fall and winter with MS, tackling holiday challenges, and continuing to build this supportive community.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Whether you’re a longtime listener or just discovering the podcast, know that you’re welcome here. We’re in this together, learning, growing, and supporting each other every step of the way.

Here’s to another year of honest conversations, shared experiences, and empowering each other to live our best lives with MS.

Stay tuned for our next episode, where I’ll be sharing more about my recent MS scare and the valuable lessons it taught me. Until then, remember to be kind to yourself and keep showing up as the amazing person you are.

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I'm Alene, your MS Sister.

When I was diagnosed with MS in 2016, I was scared and felt alone. But as a Nutrition Coach, I knew there was more to healing than what I was being told. I took action and within six months the lesions I had on my brain shrunk and went inactive. Now, seven years later there has been no new lesions and no new activity. As a nutritionist specializing in multiple sclerosis, I help women take back control of their future.

That’s my story, but I’m not alone. It's your turn to start Thriving with MS. I’m here to show you the way. 

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I’m Alene, nutritionist specializing in multiple sclerosis and your MS sister. I created this online haven to empower you to heal and inspire you to thrive with MS!

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