You Have MS…
And You’re Still Going To
Live An Amazing Life.

You Have MS…
And You’re Still Going to Live An Amazing Life.

A step-by-step path to managing your diagnosis, thriving in your body, and reclaiming the life that feels like it was just taken from you.

LIving beyond your diagnosis

Let me show you How... Scroll on!

I'm Ready to Start MY MS LIFE!

Fear + Overwhelm Start to Take Over

Real Talk

You suddenly feel so alone.

How are you going to stop this incurable disease from progressing?

The pressure is mounting to make decisions. 

What little energy you do have is shot from searching for the “right” plan. 

You never imagined that YOU would be dealing with MS.

If feels like your best days are now behind you.

Yes, MS is serious. It's unpredictable and there is no cure.
And all you're seeing are the worst case scenarios.

But as a nutritionist specializing in multiple sclerosis and your fellow MS sister, I'm here to tell you that there's SO much you can do to feel better in your body and achieve your BEST case scenario.

It doesn't have to be this way.

When I was diagnosed with MS in 2016, I was scared.

I did everything I could to keep a smile on my face to reassure everyone around me that I would be fine. But deep down all I wanted was someone to reassure ME that I'm going to be okay. Can you relate?

The overwhelming was crippling too.

From choosing a treatment plan, to making lifestyle changes, to figuring out how to manage symptoms, it felt like an endless stream of information and decisions to process.

It can be hard to know where to start, let alone figure out what plan or approach is best for you. But hear me when I say this, this is not the end of your story. You can reclaim your health and hope for your future. It's possible and I'm here to guide you every step of the way through my MS nutrition coaching program. 

Hi! I'm Alene

Ready to Thrive?

What If...

You had the clarity and confidence to manage MS and this became a new beginning of a healthier, more meaningful life for you?

Ditch the doubt, overwhelm and excuses.

It's Time to

Empowered to Heal. Inspired to Heal.

My MS Life

Start Living...

Here's What You'll Receive

Let's Break it Down

✓ Tips for releasing fear’s grip on you.
✓ Skills to cope with runaway thoughts.
✓ Strategies to get and stay motivated.
✓ Tools to overcome setbacks.

Develop a Thriving Mindset

Decide What to Eat

Module 1

Module 2

Maintain Energy in Your Day

Module 4

Set Up Your Healing Kitchen

Module 3

Thrive in the World

Module 6

Put the fears and worst case scenarios to bed so you can start regaining confidence in your body and hope in your future. 

Walk Away With:

Create a realistic - and enjoyable - food plan that gets to the root of healing, helps to eliminate symptoms and has the flexibility to adapt to your lifestyle. 

✓ Strategies for creating YOUR diet. 
✓ Checklists anti-inflammatory foods. 
✓ Guides to eliminate inflammatory foods. 
✓ Tips to create lasting change in your diet. 

Walk Away With:

Establish routines that manage time and energy so you can stay on top of your daily responsibilities and still enjoy time with your family. 

✓ Sample morning routine to set your day up for success. 
✓ Sample evening routine that supports restful sleep. 
✓ Strategies for staying organized and productive.
✓ Stress management techniques that you’ll actually do. 
✓ Planner to stay focused on your priorities. 

Navigate travels, restaurants, holidays, and celebrations without feeling left out or compromising your health.

Walk Away With:

✓ Tips and sample scripts for ordering at a restaurant.
✓ Recommendations for an on-the-go lifestyle.
✓ Sample meal plan for a travel day. 
✓ Strategies to enjoy holidays and celebrations.

Build a Collaborative Team

Module 5

Discover who should be on your health team and how to prep for appointments so you get the support you need to make decisions and feel confident in your plan. 

✓ Sample scripts to overcome intimidating conversations. 
✓ Trackers to monitor symptoms & progress.
✓ Planner to prepare for appointments.
✓ Chart To build your wellness team. 

Walk Away With:

Walk Away With:

✓ Meal planner templates + meal blueprints.
✓ Simple recipes that you (and the family) will enjoy.
✓ Checklists for your kitchen makeover + grocery haul.
✓ Tips to save time, money and energy in the kitchen.

Set up their healing kitchen where they can whip up healthy meals that the whole family will eat.

Walk Away With:

How It Works

Gain knowledge and tools you need to manage MS + your symptoms, and create a clear plan for healing.

6 Learning Modules

Ask questions, receive feedback, and share experiences with Alene and fellow participants. Calls are Tuesday 11 am EST, recordings are available.

6 Live Coaching Calls

Stay on track and accountable with a clear roadmap for success including checklists, trackers and more!

Implementation Guide

Nutrition: Food that heals and you look forward to eating. 

Sleep: Routines that transform rest and healing.

Lifestyle: Habits that support health and a life you love.

Self-care: Moments that bring balance, meaning and joy.

A Realistic + Sustainable Plan 

I'm ready to start my ms LIfe!

Stop trying to figure it all out on your own. 

Mindset: Thoughts that create possibility and empowerment.

Special Bonuses!

Essential OIl Mini Course

Discover how you can create a personalized essential oil protocol that supports your health and enhances your home. Enjoy plant-based support for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

The Value Doesn't Stop There, You'll Also Receive...


Natural Solutions for Everyday Health

Home Detox Guide

Elevate your home's health with this exclusive "Home Detox Guide". This printable guide helps you to identify and eliminate toxic elements in your home that could be negatively impacting your health.


Reduce Toxins in Your Home

Wahls Protocol Book Club

Don't let the Wahls Protocol book gather dust on your shelf. If you've felt daunted by the book's content or unsure where to begin, you’re not alone. As a Wahls Certified Health Practitioner, I guide you through every chapter of the book, simplifying complex information and breaking down the most important takeaways so you can start taking action today.


Your Guide Through Ever Chapter

"Alene helped me to make lifelong changes. She and her nutritious recipes saved my life!"


Found Freedom


The changes in my diet and my life are remarkable and I can't overstate it enough, it has been life changing for me.




real results

A year from now you'll
will have wished you started today....

So let's get  started!

Alene brings so much wisdom, experience, and warmth to every coaching relationship. She's dedicated to providing transformation to each client she works with. Her empathy and expertise never cease to amaze me. If you're building your wellness team, you want her on it!" 

- Kris Carr, New York Times best-selling author and wellness leader

"If you're building your wellness team, you want her on it!"

Within the chaos MS brought to my life, Alene has brought some peace. She helped me manage better my life with MS from organizing my kitchen, to plan my meals and create a community. I highly recommend this course to the newly diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and also to those who been suffering for many years; you will feel hope.


"You Will Feel Hope"


This course gave me the motivation I needed. Connecting with others through zoom was key for me. The check-lists (specific & simple) helped me tremendously. I didn't have to think for myself. It was done for me. I'm excited and motivated to continue.

— Susan

"The motivation I needed"

This course gave me the motivation I needed. Connecting with others through zoom was key for me. The check-lists (specific & simple) helped me tremendously. I didn't have to think for myself. It was done for me. I'm excited and motivated to continue.

— ArI

"Gave me the motivation I needed"


"Put another highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."


"This program was the best investment—ever!"

"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

"This program has gotten me my dream clients!"

This LIVE MS nutrition coaching experience is like no other online course.

This is YOUR opportunity to get clarity and start taking decisive action to manage your diagnosis and reclaim your life. 

Now you get to take action in a supportive community where we make the process fun!

This isn't just another online course.

You're in the right place.

"Now I show up better for myself, my family & my community."

Getting diagnosed with MS was shocking and overwhelming. I wanted to do something, but I didn’t know what or how to start. Alene helped to set me up on my path. I can honestly say, MS has changed my life for the better. Before I was going through the motions. Now I feel like I have a purpose. I show up better for myself, my family and my community.


Found Healing & Purpose

Yes, It Really Works

"Now I know what to eat & how to cook."

I was so overwhelmed in knowing what to eat to manage MS. Alene helped me to turn this overwhelm into a sense of adventure. Now, I not only know what to eat, but I also know how to plan my meals and how to cook these new foods. I love her cooking shows! 


Turned Overwhelm into adventure

"I often felt totally MS-free!"

After two months of working with Alene, I started to feel steadier, I slept better, I was more mentally alert, and I often felt totally MS-free. Alene gave me invaluable support when I needed it most. I will be forever grateful to her.


Felt Steadier

It’s Time to Create a Plan Because You're Not Done Living!

I know you're automatically thinking that you now have to lower your expectations for yourself and your future because "you have MS."

But right now you have a choice. You can stay stuck in the fear and overwhelm, or you can choose to create you best case scenario. 

I've consolidated everything that I've learned in my own journey as well as coaching thousands of women just like you into this one course. 

Your Invitation

I'm Ready to start my MS LIfe!


Let's Start Thriving!

How can I be sure that I'll get results?

What you put in, is what you get out. To get results, you need to show up with an open mind and a willingness to make changes. If YOU’RE 100% committed to improving your health, so are we. We got your back!

Frequently Asked Questions

When are the live coaching calls?

The live coaching calls are Tuesdays at 11 am EST. While we strongly encourage you to attend the live sessions, rest assure that they are recorded and available for replay in your membership portal. You can also submit questions 24 hours prior to the call if you're not able to attend live. 

How long will it take to get results?

Every body is unique… as is their healing journey. It’s important not to put a timeline on your results. That said, most people see results within just three months. Let’s focus on giving your body the support it needs, and letting it heal on its time.

I don't have MS, does it still apply?

Yes! The strategies in this course are applicable if you have another autoimmune disease or chronic illness. In fact, it's applicable even if you have good health that you simply want to protect and maintain. All are welcome.

Where can I ask questions?

You have lots of options! You can tap into the collective wealth of knowledge of the community in our private Facebook page. You can ask Alene questions directly on the coaching calls. If you can't attend live, you can submit a question 24 hours in advance and watch the replay.

Am I locked into a contract?

No, this is a one-time payment for the course.  If you choose the payment plan, then you simply complete the payments and then you have lifetime access to the course. 


Everything You Need to Set Up YOUR Effective and Sustainable Healing Plan.

It’s time to stop putting off feeling better (when it’s within reach).

Your Thriving Life is Calling



The life you want to live is possible (your best days are NOT behind you).

I'm Ready to Start MY MS LIFE!



Choosing to do nothing is actually making a choice to stay stuck (and makes it harder later).

If not now, When?

Let's Start Thriving!